Owners Contact Information
It all begins with improved communication. We would like to update our contact information so we may keep you informed of The Martinique Board Association news. We respect your privacy and will not share this information unless you agree and only with other owners within The Martinique Condominiums.
*1/ we hereby authorize Martinique Condominiums, Inc. to provide notice of Association meetings and other Association related matters by e-mail instead of mail or hand delivery. The Association can use the e-mail address designated below to fulfill its notice requirements. | / we understand that e- mail communication will be used to replace mailed notices required by the Association's governing documents and Florida law. 1 / we also understand that the e-mail address used for notices will become an official record of the Association and open for inspection and copying. I / we understand this consent will remain in effect until written notice is sent to the Association revoking consent. I/we understand that i/we are solely responsible for providing any changes to the e-mail address provided to the Association for notice purposes and monitoring spam/junk filters and the Association is not responsible if notice is not received despite the e-mail address of record being correctly used.